
Laste ikon
A group of researchers wants to help communities living close to melting glaciers. Photo shows scientists mounting equipment.

The glaciers’ warning

Living near a glacier is like having a helpful but unpredictable neighbour. As the climate becomes warmer, the risk of unruly behaviour from these neighbours increases. A group of researchers wants to help communities living close to melting glaciers

What’s the best way of warming up your electric car?

Up until now, car manufacturers and others have been recommending using electricity from the grid to warm up your car on cold winter mornings because this will save the battery and ensure maximum range. But research is showing that this isn’t always necessary. Nor does it save you money.

Tree ring research: Three researchers on a raft

When trees talk

We think of trees as silent sentinels, watching as the world goes by and the ages pass. But what if you could interview them about what they have seen?


Making seaweed cultivation into a major industry

Seaweeds can be used to improve soils and for the biological capture and storage of carbon. They can serve as feed for livestock and as a food and health supplement for humans. And that’s just for starters. A new research project is aiming to help upgrade current cultivation systems to an industrial scale.

Training underwater robots to find charging stations — on the seabed

NTNU’s largest laboratory – the Trondheim fjord – is something of an Eldorado for researchers developing underwater robots. A charging station has been installed on the seabed, and to ensure the robots can find the shortest route to the charging station, they train in the fjord.

Explaining the mRNA technology that led to a Nobel prize

Last week, the Hungarian Katalin Karikó and the American Drew Weissman were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their research into the mRNA-technology applied to develop the vaccines used to combat Covid-19. But what exactly is mRNA technology?

What will the price of your neighbours solar power be?

In the future, we will see the emergence of local energy communities made up of households and businesses who buy and sell electricity among themselves. But someone will have to work out how to determine the price.

Teachers who fought against Nazi ideology at a prison camp in northern Norway.

When 1100 teachers defied Hitler — and won!

More than 80 years ago, Norwegian teachers refused to teach Nazi ideology to their students. They were tortured, imprisoned and starved. But they prevailed. The story of how they won — and why it still matters.

Edgar Hertwich

An emergency brake for the climate

To limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, the EU’s Science Advisory Board on Climate Change recommends that Europe reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 90-95% by 2040 compared to 1990. Fossil fuels should be phased out as quickly as possible.